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MCF: Dire Grove

A group of graduate students have gone missing in a town, Dire Grove, whereby a Celtic legend has been passed down from generations to generations for centuries. It has been told as a fairy tale to scare young kids.
However, is it really just a fairy tale, or a true legend? If it's not real, then what are the students?
Play the game to uncover the mystery now!
Go HERE to read the review.
Go HERE to download the free trial from official website

Dire Grove


A DS console game.
Control the cute little character around, creating different objects to aid him in solving in each level.
Aim of the game is to go through every level and get the star light thing. It seems easy but it's getting more and more challenging towards the end.
Think you have a wide vocabulary? You can try this game now yourself!
You can read our review HERE!
Click HERE to try for your own!



Online Pictionary!
Challenge your friends today with this fun-filled game.
Click HERE to play!
Click HERE to read our review!


BEWARE! Facebook Disney Secret Message Group

Posted by Mooyalty Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I seen this group around and some of my friends are falling into the trap. Such groups is only out to scam people they ask you to do this and that and at the end of the day, you will be inviting malware to your computer.

For those of you who are so curious. I have consolidated a list of the so-called "hidden message" in Disney. This list is gotten from Yahoo Answers. Actually, it's nothing just that people are thinking on the pervert side and thinks in that way.

  • Aladdin tells teenagers to take off their clothes. (Aladdin actually says, "Good kitty, don't get too close" as Prince Ali is being menaced by Princess Jasmine's pet tiger. People misinterpret this as "good kids, now take off your clothes.")

  • The Beast sports a tattoo in Beauty and the Beast.
  • Finland once banned Donald Duck because he wears no pants.
  • Belle makes a cameo appearance in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
  • Letters spelling the word S-E-X are formed by a cloud of dust in The Lion King.
  • Rafiki chants a naughty phrase in a talking Lion King book.
  • A phallus was drawn on the video cover of The Little Mermaid by a disgruntled artist.
  • A minister becomes aroused during the wedding scene in The Little Mermaid.
  • The look of Tinker Bell in Peter Pan was based on Marilyn Monroe.
  • Photographic images of a topless woman can be spotted in The Rescuers.
  • The film Song of the South has never been released on home video in the USA.
  • Disney produced an animated film called The Story of Menstruation.
  • Lemmings were induced into jumping off a cliff for this Disney nature film.
  • Mischievous animators drew Jessica Rabbit naked.
  • Donald Duck shouts a racial epithet at Daffy Duck.
  • The personalities of the dwarf characters in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs represent the seven stages of cocaine addiction.


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E-leafy, Mooyalty

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