This is in the top 10 ranking on BigFishGames now, and it's the popular hidden object genre, whereby you will go around looking for things the game ask you to.
Horror and mysterious games are tend to be in favor now as we see games like Left 4 Dead, DIABLO, F.E.A.R and Silent Hill getting really popular. It seems to also be the case for casual pc games as most of the games on the top ranking are those that has horror themes or mysterious themes. Which also made this to be in the top 10 ranking.
We started off this game as being the apparaiser for this Malgrey castle which has been around for 99 years. Since there isn't any heir to claim this castle, the government will soon obtain the right to sell away this castle. The catch to this is that all the appraisers who have gone to this castle has gone crazy and now you will be the one who will be sent there after one of your close colleagues has gone crazy too. This is the point which makes me really want to try out the game as I'm actually really curious about the story behind it.

This is the person you will be playing as. As compared to the whole theme and the anticipation of waiting for the vampire to come out, I would say that the character itself looks more freakish than any other things in the game. Oh well.
Most of the time, you will be tasked to find things in a particular room. Or you would be finding pieces of things, such as pieces of maps to go to some place. You would be tasked to find pieces of floor plans at the start of the game.
You would also encounter small puzzle games like this

Small puzzles like this are pretty straight forward. Even if you didn't read the objective, you can click on the red book on the top left hand corner to see the objective again.
Players tend to be irritated when they are stuck at some part of the game or being stuck in this puzzles. There is this button on the top right hand corner that will allow you to skip the puzzle after some time, this is considered a good point for impatient players.
What really got me going for this kind of games are really just the story. I've played few of hidden objects games, I have to say that I wasn't really very into this finding of items. Most of the time I just go very frustrated and irritated because I can't find certain objects yet I want to know what is the story.
There are of course a few hidden object games that are really nice, especially when the story of the game is good. However, I wouldn't really give a high rating for this game though. It's okay for people who like to enjoy playing different kind of puzzle games and if you really just liked hidden object games. If you're the kind that are like me, gets frustrated easily and just ends up clicking everything but are interested in the game, I would recommend you to try other games like the Forgotten Riddles: The Moonlight Sonata, I really love that one.
Vampireville is good in the sense it has many different kind of puzzle games in just one game. You have unlimited hints, but you will have to wait for a while to use it, this is good for people like me who just want to get it over and done with and continue knowing the story. I initially wanted to spend less than 4 hours finishing this, in fact, I expected a 2 hours. Much to my dismay, when I reached chapter 10, I was shocked to realized that it wasn't the end. I was hoping it to be 15 then, and was disappointed. I was sure it will stop at 20. What really amazed me was that it stretched up to chapter 25. The story got boring and I lost my focus of what I'm playing in the end.
This game actually made you to expect that you will be the heir to the castle instead. In the end, the heir ended up to become some other random person.
I would only give this game a rating of 7 out of 10.

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