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MCF: Dire Grove

A group of graduate students have gone missing in a town, Dire Grove, whereby a Celtic legend has been passed down from generations to generations for centuries. It has been told as a fairy tale to scare young kids.
However, is it really just a fairy tale, or a true legend? If it's not real, then what are the students?
Play the game to uncover the mystery now!
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Go HERE to download the free trial from official website

Dire Grove


A DS console game.
Control the cute little character around, creating different objects to aid him in solving in each level.
Aim of the game is to go through every level and get the star light thing. It seems easy but it's getting more and more challenging towards the end.
Think you have a wide vocabulary? You can try this game now yourself!
You can read our review HERE!
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Online Pictionary!
Challenge your friends today with this fun-filled game.
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Pet Forest

Posted by Mooyalty Monday, April 5, 2010
Click on the image above to game.

English Official Webpage: http://pf.playomg.com/index.aspx
Chinese Official Webpage: http://pf.omg.com.tw/Project/bridge.html

Came across this game on the Facebook again. Previously I saw this game in Chinese. Now it was translated to English and allow non-Chinese players to play this game.

This game is a browser game so there is needless to download any client or what, Just click on the Play and it will open another window and the game loads. This game is an RPG game so first step of the game is.... *drum rolling* Ye! Create your very unique player~ =DD

Actually I do not like this game that much because first thing. I think the layout of the interface is messy when the first thing i saw after creating the character. Below is the screen shot of it.

Actually what you seeing here is not that bad until the quest dialogue and the NPC the side of the screen comes out. The screen will basically be filled with texts, texts and more texts.

Another thing I do not like about this game is our newly created character is not clothed with anything except! for undergarments which I think it's quite horrible not providing basic newbie wears. =_= (My character might catch a cold because of that! ARGH!)

The tutorials given for newbies is not much of help as everything is messy that i do not know where to start reading from. I gets impatient when there is too much texts on the screen.  =S

Fighting of monster isn't of any fun. It is turn-based attack. Because there is 2 modes to fight the monster. One is automatic attacks and the other is the manual. Automatic means it will automatically helps you attack the monster when your turn comes. Manual is you attack manually. Oh, one thing to state... Fighting of monster is another screen again. It is those type that you get to see only the monsters and you in the screen and start to fight each other when you turn comes etc.

That's about it. I did not manage to explore any further because it did not interest me. We welcome anyone who wish to add on to this review. Thanks. =D


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E-leafy, Mooyalty

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